It is undeniably apparent that our global community is in the same proverbial boat. Our lives, as we have come to know them, have ceased to be; we can no longer pretend as if our choices don’t matter. I speak at length about our interconnectedness with my students and friends, but never in my life has one single event brought me, and all of us, closer to this Truth. We have been forced to see how one singular event in one small corner of the world has rippled out into the fabric of all of our lives.
The hidden gift in all of this is that WE ARE INTERCONNECTED. If it’s true that a virus can spread like wildfire and have devastating implications for everyone in it’s path, is it not also true that whatever choices and heartfelt decisions we make, consciously, can have unbelievable healing implications as well?
It would be a grave mistake to believe that our choices, big and small, do not matter. We have no idea how much power we yield in our hands to change the course of our own lives, not to mention someone else’s. It may not be immediately evident how our choices arrive and leave a mark on this world, but trust that it is so. When we choose love we leave a mark, when we choose forgiveness we leave a mark, when we choose to look a stranger in the eye and inwardly bow to our shared being, we leave a mark. Our choices are the warp and weft of the global fabric of our lives. Feel empowered by yours.
– Chrissy Leake
I love your thoughts and your words Chrissy. You express them so well, and they are true and meaningful. Thank you!