With each passing day there’s an ever-increasing stillness in the air, less cars on the road, less sounds of activity, as we participate in this ‘social distancing’. As my son and I walked through our neighborhood this morning it was as if we had woken up to this spacious, timeless, foreign yet familiar silence. And then it struck me… it became so abundantly clear that this wasn’t really silence at all, but rather an emergence of what generally gets relegated to the background of our awareness. The perceptive dial had been turned; suddenly I could hear the birdsongs, the rhythm of my footsteps, the rustling of the leaves, the serenade of the wind, all coming together to perform that orchestral moment. I felt completely at ease; not striving or compelled to go out towards anything.
We have become so entirely habituated to the NOISE of our lives; the places and appointments we’re running to and from, the tasks we must complete, the money we have to make, the errands we have to run, that we’ve forgotten the beautiful song of our True Nature playing in the background. Those songs have never really left us… they have been there all along; we just consciously or unconsciously drown them out with the business of our daily lives.
I’m more than certain that the stillness of this morning isn’t exclusive to me or my neighborhood. We are universally quieting down and tuning back into our own songs; the ones that lift our hearts and spirits. We have generously been gifted this sacred time to reconnect with our families and those we love, to be with the simplicity of nature, AND to meet ourselves as we have perhaps never met ourselves before. We can absolutely tune into the songs which deeply and profoundly resonate within each of us, and know that IT IS our True Nature because, at a visceral level, we experience the imperturbable peace in our bodies while immersed in this kind of listening. We return home to ourselves.
– Chrissy Leake
I too appreciate the gift of this time to slow down and listen. I have felt for a while that I’ve let too much “noise” into my life but haven’t done much about it. I am choosing to use this time as a lesson in slowing down and getting quiet.
Yes! It’s easy for the noise to escalate without even realizing it. I’m happy to hear you’re slowing down. It’s really okay.