When we are in the placid stillness of the present moment, AND listening, we attune ourselves to clear, unobstructed guidance. We are IN SPIRIT. This kind of listening isn’t an activity, rather an inner state of receptivity. It is not something we have to go out towards, in fact when we go outward, towards something, that is our first indication that our ego is animated. Our ego wants to claim an experience or an achievement or a person as its own. It’s no fault of the ego, that’s its job, but as we become increasingly more awake, we become less concerned with the dance of the ego and more interested in the one who is witnessing this dance.
When we are captivated by the unmarked beauty of the setting sun, our ego rests and we merge WITH the sunset. Time seems to stand still; thoughts are arrested and we sink back into our True Nature. We surrender ourselves to the moment. We recognize this as our True Nature because suddenly we feel overwhelmed by a deep feeling of inner congruency. We taste the sweetness of Truth. And it’s that sweetness that will again and again continue to call us back.
The ego will eventually reassert itself. That’s when we reach for our phone to take a photo or feel the sudden absence of the one we love. We feel as if the moment is lost, and to a degree it is lost. We have stepped out of the moment; subsequently gripped by the memory of the past or grasping for something in the future. As we return to the business of our lives, those feelings of being completely transcended by the present moment echo within us, imploring us to remember who we really are. We can, with great awareness, be in the eternal sunset of our lives as we fiercely commit to calling our Spirit back to the ever present moment… again and again.
– Chrissy Leake
This is such a beautiful transmission, Chrissy.
“It is not something we have to go out towards, in fact when we go outward, towards something, that is our first indication that our ego is animated.” Such a clear marker of the ego state.
“We can, with great awareness, be in the eternal sunset of our lives as we fiercely commit to calling our Spirit back to the ever present moment… again and again.” Yes. Calling our spirit back in each moment, potentially.